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Everything you Need to Know About Pitta Bread

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Pitta bread is one of the most popular Indian bread. It’s made in the same way as naan and roti. The word “pitta” means “burning” in Hindi and “Pittas” are people who do not burn easily from a fiery nature. The first pittas were born as India became part of the British Empire after the annexation of Punjab in 1846. To make pitta bread at home, you can buy ready-made all-purpose flour or make it from scratch with whole-wheat flour, milk, yeast and salt. 

Pitta bread is an easy starter recipe that will help you get started on your own pitta bread journey! Pitta bread is a flatbread. It’s traditionally cooked on an iron griddle called a tawahin or tawa. The dough is rolled out thin with a rolling pin and cooked over high heat until bubbles form on the surface. Pitta bread is usually served alongside curries or other dishes in Indian cuisine. 

What is pitta bread?

Pitta is a traditional Indian flatbread, made from wheat flour and ghee. It can be made in different ways depending on the region you’re from, but most people make them with all-purpose flour and ghee. Pitta bread can be eaten as a starter or snack with any meal, especially during fasting days such as Ramzan! 

Origin of Pitta Bread

Pitta bread is an Indian flatbread that has been a staple of the cuisine of northern India for centuries. 

The word “pitta” means “hot” or “burning,” which describes this type of bread because it can be eaten hot or cold, depending on how you want to eat it. In fact, many people prefer eating pitta bread with their hands rather than using utensils because it makes them feel more connected to their food by feeling its texture directly on their hands as they eat it! 

Health benefits of Pitta Bread

Pitta bread is an excellent source of protein, iron, calcium and vitamin B6. It also contains fibre (which can help you feel full). 

Pitta bread has a lower calorie count than other breads or cereals made from wheat flour. For example, 1 slice of pitta bread contains only 90 calories while 1 slice of white bread can have up to 240 calories! 

Pitta bread varieties

Pitta bread varieties include: 

  • Whole wheat,  
  • Multi-grain and spelt.  
  • You can also make pitta bread with a blend of flours. Add herbs or spices to the dough for extra flavour. 

How to make Pitta Bread?

Pitta bread is a quick and easy snack that can be made using a few ingredients. It’s best served with some side dishes. 

This recipe will help you get started on your own pitta bread journey! 

Ingredients to make Pitta Bread

  • All-purpose flour (or whole wheat if you have it) 
  • Yeast, preferably instant or fast-rise (if not using fast rise, then 1/2 teaspoon of yeast) 
  • Salt to taste, about 2 teaspoons for each cup of all purpose flour used in the recipe. For those who want to make their own bread from scratch and don’t want to add salt at all, feel free but keep in mind that some recipes will call for it! You can get away without adding anything else as long as you use good-quality ingredients. 

Recipe to make Pitta Bread

In a small bowl, stir together the yeast and water. Let it sit for about 10 minutes until bubbly and frothy.  

In a large mixing bowl, combine both flours with salt (if using). Stir in the yeast mixture until well combined.  

Cover with plastic wrap or a damp towel and let rise for 1-2 hours at room temperature (or overnight in the refrigerator). 

The next step is to allow the dough to rise for at least 90 minutes before baking it in an oven heated to 200C/400F/gas mark 6 for 20 minutes. This will allow the bread to develop its flavour, colour and texture. 

Once done cooking, pull out your freshly-baked pita breads from their pan and serve them up! 

Once the bread has cooled, you can slice it and enjoy! 

How to serve

Pitta bread is usually served with an array of dips, sauces, salads and curries. It can be used to make sandwiches or wraps. You can also use it to make pizza bases. 

Pita bread is a staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine. It has a pocket in the middle that can be filled with various ingredients. 

How to store pitta bread for a long time

  • Store the pitta bread in an airtight container and refrigerate or freeze it. If you’re freezing it, make sure that there are no holes in the packaging so that moisture doesn’t get inside and spoil your pitta bread. 
  • When storing for longer periods of time, wrap tightly with plastic wrap or foil before placing it in a freezer bag. 

Read More: Everything you Need to Know About Naan Bread


Pitta bread is an amazing culinary delight that has been enjoyed for centuries. This article has discussed all the necessary information about pitta bread.  

Pitta bread is a delicious and healthy food choice that is easy to make and affordable to buy. From its traditional uses in Indian cuisine to its more recent application as a delicious and versatile snack, pitta bread is a great way to introduce new flavours to your diet. 

From a tasty snack to a full meal, pitta bread is the perfect start for people looking to explore new culinary experiences. With all the information provided, it is clear that pitta bread is a great way to satisfy cravings and expand culinary knowledge. 

Freshways Click and Collect is the perfect Food Wholesaler for those looking to buy pitta bread in bulk. Its high-quality ingredients and delicious taste make it the perfect choice for those looking for a tasty, affordable, and reliable option. With competitive prices and a wide variety of options, Freshways Click and Collect ensures all your pitta bread needs will be satisfied. Contact them now to place your order. 

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